生肖买马网站承认尊重多样性的重要工作, 打击歧视, 承认偏见, 营造包容的环境.
我们认为这项工作是教育使命的核心, 而至关重要的是免费的维护, 道德, 健康的社会. 本着这一精神,我们作出以下承诺:
- 认识到YCCC社区内存在的多样性, 履行我们为所有人提供教育机会的责任.
- 注意与身份问题有关的持续不公正, 包括但不限于种族问题, 种族, 国籍, 文化, 性别, 性别认同/表达式, 性取向, 宗教, 年龄, 残疾, 资深地位, 社会经济背景, 思想的多样性.
- 认识到高等教育常常强化了排斥和歧视的模式, 并制定政策和实践来打击这些模式.
- To make the study of historical and contemporary injustices integral to our curricula; to encour年龄 discussion of social issues, including the above-referenced matters of identity; and to foster classroom environments that allow for those conversations to take place openly, 诚实, 和安全.
- 认识到缅因州特有的挑战, including the building of racial and ethnic 多样性; to acknowledge the complex history of interaction between Maine’s indigenous and nonindigenous peoples; and to be mindful of YCCC’s own location on land that was once tribal land of the Apikwahki/Pequawket people.
- 为了包容, 多样性, 公平对待员工之间正在进行的学习和讨论的话题, 并提供专业发展机会,加深我们对这些问题的理解.
- 鼓励我们的社区成员了解社会信息, and to embrace civic responsibility on our campus by supporting voting; by providing opportunities for learning and eng年龄ment through speakers, 共享数据, 在线研讨会, and other resources; and by remaining receptive to new and unfamiliar viewpoints.
- 促进一个安全、文明和欢迎所有成员的大学社区.